What to Do if Auto Brightness on Your iPad Won't Turn Off

Suraj Singh
By -

What to Do if Auto Brightness on Your iPad Won't Turn Off

I have a fix for the problem where your iPad's auto brightness won't turn off. Those who own iPads most likely purchased them for the device's really amazing screen. Take the tenth-generation iPad as an illustration. Although the 10.9-inch Liquid Crystal Display is vibrant and stylish, it's only great if you can get the brightness you need from it. Users will want a screen that fits their needs whether they are using the most recent iPad or even an older model.

Let's talk about the Auto-Brightness option with that in mind. I'm going to go through a few potential causes for why it might not be functioning the way a user would like it to, as well as some potential fixes. Fortunately, most fixes are so simple that even a new user can complete them. Your answer is here if you're searching for a fix for Auto Brightness that won't turn off.

Why Isn’t my Auto Brightness Working?

There are several reasons why Auto Brightness could not be operating properly. The majority of the time, it usually entails an unbalanced setup. You might not have understood that one setting can affect another, or you could have forgotten that you enabled a certain setting. Although most reports seem to indicate that the majority of these bugs involve beta software, this can also occur as a result of software bugs. It might not be the cause of your issue if you know nothing about betas.

Why Can’t I Change the Brightness on my iPad?

Finding the precise position of the Auto Brightness option may be the problem for some people. You wouldn't find it precisely where you expected. While your Control Center makes it simple to access the brightness settings, those specifically seeking the Auto Brightness settings must look under Accessibility Settings.

You must do the following actions to enable or disable Auto Brightness:

  • Navigate to Settings on your iPad.
  • Click on Accessibility.
  • Select Text Size & Display. It may be referred to as Display Accommodations in older versions of iOS.
  • Disable auto-brightness
What to Do if Auto Brightness on Your iPad Won't Turn Off

Adjust Your Own Brightness

Naturally, there are two different ways to change the brightness on your iPad if you don't want to use Auto Brightness. First, you can adjust the Brightness control by going to your Control Center (by dragging a corner from either the top or bottom of your screen, depending on your iOS version).

By heading to Settings > Display & Brightness and dragging the Brightness slider to the left or right, you may easily change your brightness.

Turn off Low Light Mode

The Zoom feature on an iPad can be very useful for those looking to increase readability on their device. Your Auto Brightness may be acting up due to a setting in Zoom, such as Low Light Mode.

  • Go to General > Settings.
  • Opt for Accessibility.
  • Select Zoom
  • Access the Zoom Filter
What to Do if Auto Brightness on Your iPad Won't Turn Off

  • Make sure Low Light Mode is not chosen. Pick None
What to Do if Auto Brightness on Your iPad Won't Turn Off

Check Your Screen Protector or Case

If your device has a screen protector or protective case on it, you might want to think about taking it off. Or perhaps it's time to clean or swap them out. At the top of your iPad is a light sensor that aids in determining the Auto Brightness setting. This is what enables the screen to be brightened if the room is too dark or to be dimmed if the sun is directly overhead. Users should be aware that this is something to take into consideration, even though I believe one of the other solutions will probably be the most successful.

iPad Auto Brightness Greyed Out

The Auto Brightness setting is reportedly grayed out, according to some users. Users who are experiencing this issue say they can see the Auto Brightness settings, but they are unable to turn them on or off because it is a little bit more gray than the other setting options. Gathering information from the internet, it appears that many people believe it to be a bug, possibly present only in particular beta software.

If an update is available and you are using a beta, you might want to install it. You can always check the software update by going to Settings > General > Software Update.

Disable Low Power Mode

Users might also want to turn off Low Power Mode because doing so might make it impossible to control some brightness features. To turn on or off this feature, go to Settings > Battery > Low Power Mode. Check to see if turning off Low Power Mode restores your Auto Brightness settings.

Disable Night Shift

Additionally, some users claim that disabling Night Shift might resolve this problem. For those who are unaware, Night Shift is a feature that uses your Apple device's geolocation and clock to determine when the sun is setting for you. The gadget will then change the colors on your display to more warm hues based on this information. Your colors will then return to their original state once the sun rises in the morning.

You might be experiencing problems with your auto brightness because of this. Thankfully, there are two ways to turn it off. You can long-press the Brightness setting in Control Center to access additional settings, including Night Shift.

By going to Settings > Display & Brightness > Night Shift, you can also turn off the night shift. You can choose additional options on this screen, such as the colors you want to use and the intervals at which they will change. The default setting is from sunrise to sunset, which users should be aware of. 

What to Do if Auto Brightness on Your iPad Won't Turn Off

How Do I Unlock the Brightness On My iPad?

Having Auto Brightness on your iPad will be absolutely necessary if you like how it automatically adjusts the screen's brightness. However, as we've seen, there are some explanations for why things don't always turn out as one would hope. Again, forgetting about a particular setting is the usual culprit, but occasionally there can be software problems. Once more, this is a great excuse to keep all of your devices, including your iPad, up to date. This safeguards not only against security risks and bug exploits, but it may also resolve less serious problems with your device.

You can use your iPad for your favorite activities once you've restored the Auto Brightness to how you like it. But if you're stuck for inspiration, why not look at the top iPad drawing apps? We also look at how Google Lens can be used by users on their device. The feature isn't, as you might expect, where you expected it to be. Ultimately, users should make sure they are utilizing the iPad screen, and using these solutions should be a big help. Your device performs a lot of functions in the background, but when everything comes together, it offers a wonderful user experience. 


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