How to Become an AI Expert and Land a Six-Figure Job at a Non-Tech Company

Suraj Singh
By -

How to Become an AI Expert and Land a Six-Figure Job at a Non-Tech Company

AI talent is in high demand even at non-tech companies. And jobs are paying way over six figures — up to $300,000. If you are interested in pursuing a career in artificial intelligence, you might want to consider the opportunities that exist outside the traditional tech sector. In this beginner’s guide, we will explore:

  • What is generative AI and why is it valuable for non-tech companies
  • What skills and qualifications do you need to become an AI expert
  • What types of AI jobs are available at non-tech companies and how much do they pay
  • How to find and apply for AI jobs at non-tech companies
  • What are the benefits and challenges of working as an AI expert at a non-tech company

What is Generative AI and Why is it Valuable for Non-Tech Companies

How to Become an AI Expert and Land a Six-Figure Job at a Non-Tech Company

Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating new content or data from existing data. For example, generative AI can produce realistic images, text, audio, or video based on a given input or a set of rules. Generative AI can also be used to enhance or modify existing content or data, such as adding filters, effects, captions, or translations.

Generative AI has many applications across various industries and domains, such as:

  • Marketing and advertising: Generative AI can help create personalized and engaging content for customers, such as ads, slogans, logos, or product descriptions.
  • Entertainment and media: Generative AI can help produce original and diverse content for entertainment purposes, such as movies, games, music, or podcasts.
  • Education and research: Generative AI can help generate educational and informative content for learners and researchers, such as summaries, quizzes, reports, or papers.
  • Healthcare and medicine: Generative AI can help diagnose and treat diseases, design drugs, or create realistic simulations for training and testing purposes.
  • Law and finance: Generative AI can help analyze and generate legal and financial documents, contracts, reports, or recommendations.

Generative AI can help non-tech companies gain a competitive edge by leveraging their in-house data more effectively and efficiently. By using generative AI, non-tech companies can:

  • Improve their decision making and problem solving abilities by using data-driven insights and predictions
  • Enhance their customer satisfaction and loyalty by offering personalized and relevant products and services
  • Increase their innovation and creativity by exploring new possibilities and opportunities
  • Reduce their costs and risks by automating tedious and repetitive tasks

What Skills and Qualifications Do You Need to Become an AI Expert

How to Become an AI Expert and Land a Six-Figure Job at a Non-Tech Company

To become an AI expert, you need to have a combination of technical skills, domain knowledge, and soft skills. Some of the most important skills and qualifications are:

  • Technical skills: You need to have a strong background in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and programming. You also need to be familiar with various tools and frameworks for developing and deploying AI solutions, such as Python, TensorFlow, PyTorch, AWS, Azure, etc. You should also be able to work with different types of data sources and formats, such as structured, unstructured, text, image, audio, or video.
  • Domain knowledge: You need to have a good understanding of the industry or domain that you are working in or applying for. You should also be aware of the business goals, challenges, opportunities, regulations, ethics, and best practices related to your field. You should also be able to communicate effectively with domain experts and stakeholders.
  • Soft skills: You need to have excellent communication skills (both verbal and written), critical thinking skills (such as analysis, evaluation, synthesis, and creativity), teamwork skills (such as collaboration, coordination, and conflict resolution), leadership skills (such as vision, motivation, and delegation), and learning skills (such as curiosity, adaptability, and feedback).

Depending on the level of seniority and complexity of the role that you are aiming for, you may also need to have some additional qualifications, such as:

  • A degree or certification in artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, or a related field
  • A portfolio or resume that showcases your previous projects, experiences, and achievements in AI
  • A recommendation letter or reference from a previous employer, client, or mentor in AI
  • A personal statement or cover letter that explains your motivation, interests, and goals in AI

What Types of AI Jobs are Available at Non-Tech Companies and How Much Do They Pay

There are many types of AI jobs that are available at non-tech companies across various functions, roles, and levels. Some of the most common ones are:

  • AI developer: An AI developer is responsible for designing, building, testing, and deploying AI solutions using various tools and frameworks. An AI developer may also collaborate with other developers, engineers, and analysts to integrate AI solutions with existing systems and platforms. An AI developer may also need to optimize and maintain the performance and quality of the AI solutions. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an AI developer in the US is $114,121 per year.
  • AI engineer: An AI engineer is responsible for applying engineering principles and practices to AI solutions. An AI engineer may also work on developing and improving the infrastructure, architecture, and scalability of the AI solutions. An AI engineer may also need to research and implement new and emerging technologies and methods in AI. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an AI engineer in the US is $146,085 per year.
  • AI researcher: An AI researcher is responsible for conducting original and innovative research in AI. An AI researcher may also publish and present their findings and contributions in academic journals, conferences, and workshops. An AI researcher may also collaborate with other researchers, scientists, and professors to advance the state-of-the-art in AI. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an AI researcher in the US is $135,000 per year.
  • AI consultant: An AI consultant is responsible for providing expert advice and guidance to clients on how to use and benefit from AI solutions. An AI consultant may also help clients define their business problems, objectives, and requirements related to AI. An AI consultant may also help clients select, implement, and evaluate the best AI solutions for their needs. An AI consultant may also train and educate clients on how to use and maintain the AI solutions. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an AI consultant in the US is $113,057 per year.

These are just some examples of the types of AI jobs that are available at non-tech companies. There are many more variations and specializations that you can explore based on your interests, skills, and goals.

How to Find and Apply for AI Jobs at Non-Tech Companies

How to Become an AI Expert and Land a Six-Figure Job at a Non-Tech Company

Finding and applying for AI jobs at non-tech companies can be challenging but rewarding. Here are some tips and strategies that can help you:

  • Network: Networking is one of the most effective ways to find and land an AI job at a non-tech company. You can network with people who work or have worked at non-tech companies that use or are interested in using AI. You can also network with people who are experts or influencers in your industry or domain of interest. You can network online or offline, through platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Meetup, or events such as conferences, workshops, or hackathons. You can also ask for referrals or recommendations from your network.
  • Search: Searching is another way to find and apply for AI jobs at non-tech companies. You can search online using various platforms such as Indeed, Glassdoor, Monster, or AngelList. You can also search offline using newspapers, magazines, or flyers. You can also search by using keywords such as “AI”, “machine learning”, “data science”, or “generative AI”. You can also search by using filters such as location, industry, function, role, level, or salary.
  • Apply: Applying is the final step to finding and landing an AI job at a non-tech company. You can apply online or offline, depending on the preference of the company. You can also apply directly or through a recruiter or agency. You should prepare a customized resume and cover letter that highlight your skills, qualifications, and achievements in AI. You should also prepare a portfolio or resume that showcases your previous projects, experiences, and achievements in AI. You should also prepare for the interview process, which may involve technical questions, behavioral questions, case studies, or coding challenges.

What are the Benefits and Challenges of Working as an AI Expert at a Non-Tech Company

Working as an AI expert at a non-tech company can have many benefits and challenges. Some of the benefits are:

  • Diversity: Working as an AI expert at a non-tech company can expose you to a diverse range of industries, domains, problems, solutions, data, customers, and stakeholders. This can help you broaden your horizons, learn new things, and develop new skills.
  • Impact: Working as an AI expert at a non-tech company can enable you to make a positive impact on society, economy, environment, or culture by using generative AI to create value-added products and services that improve lives, solve problems, or create opportunities.
  • Growth: Working as an AI expert at a non-tech company can offer you many opportunities for personal and professional growth by challenging you to innovate, experiment, collaborate, and lead in a dynamic and competitive environment.

Some of the challenges are:

  • Communication: Working as an AI expert at a non-tech company can require you to communicate effectively with people who may not have a technical background or understanding of AI. This can require you to explain complex concepts in simple terms, translate technical jargon into business language, and persuade others of the benefits and risks of using generative AI.
  • Integration: Working as an AI expert at a non-tech company can require you to integrate your AI solutions with existing systems and platforms that may not be designed or optimized for AI. This can require you to deal with technical issues, compatibility problems, or performance bottlenecks.
  • Regulation: Working as an AI expert at a non-tech company can require you to comply with various laws, regulations, standards, or ethics that govern the use of AI in your industry or domain. This can require you to ensure the quality, safety, security, privacy, fairness, and accountability of your AI solutions.
  • Conclusion

    AI talent is in high demand even at non-tech companies. And jobs are paying way over six figures — up to $300,000. If you want to pursue a career in artificial intelligence, you should consider the opportunities that exist outside the traditional tech sector. In this beginner’s guide, we have covered:

    • What is generative AI and why is it valuable for non-tech companies
    • What skills and qualifications do you need to become an AI expert
    • What types of AI jobs are available at non-tech companies and how much do they pay
    • How to find and apply for AI jobs at non-tech companies
    • What are the benefits and challenges of working as an AI expert at a non-tech company

    We hope this guide has inspired you to explore the exciting and rewarding world of generative AI at non-tech companies. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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