Fire Boltt Oracle vs Fire Boltt Dream Smartwatch: A Comprehensive Comparison

Suraj Singh
By -
Fire Boltt Oracle vs Fire Boltt Dream: A Comprehensive Comparison

Are you in the market for a versatile smartwatch but can't decide between the Fire Boltt Oracle and the Fire Boltt Dream? Both from the reputable Indian brand Fire-Boltt, these smartwatches boast impressive features and functionalities. But which one is the better investment for you? Let's delve into a detailed comparison to find out.

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Fire Boltt Oracle vs Fire Boltt Dream: Summary

FeatureFire Boltt OracleFire Boltt Dream
Display1.96-inch (320 x 360 pixels)2.02-inch (320 x 386 pixels) AMOLED
Battery700 mAh, up to 7 days800 mAh, up to 7 days
ConnectivityBluetooth, Nano SIMBluetooth, Wi-Fi, Nano-SIM, GPS
SensorsAccelerometer, heart rateAccelerometer, heart rate, GPS
Storage16 GB16 GB
PriceRs. 7,999Rs. 5,999

Design and Display

Fire Boltt Oracle vs Fire Boltt Dream: A Comprehensive Comparison


When it comes to design and display, both the Fire Boltt Oracle and the Fire Boltt Dream offer sleek aesthetics and vibrant screens. The Fire Boltt Oracle flaunts a larger 1.96-inch display with eight color options and various strap materials. On the other hand, the Fire Boltt Dream sports a slightly smaller 2.02-inch AMOLED display but with a higher pixel density for sharper visuals. With ten color options to choose from, the Fire Boltt Dream offers a more diverse selection, albeit limited to silicon straps.

Battery and Connectivity

Battery life and connectivity are crucial considerations for any smartwatch user. While both models boast impressive battery capacities capable of lasting up to 7 days, the Fire Boltt Dream edges ahead with its 800 mAh battery compared to the Oracle's 700 mAh. Moreover, the Dream offers enhanced connectivity options with Wi-Fi and GPS support in addition to Bluetooth and Nano SIM compatibility, providing more versatility and convenience.

Sensors and Performance

Fire Boltt Oracle vs Fire Boltt Dream: A Comprehensive Comparison


Smartwatches serve as both fitness trackers and productivity tools, making sensor accuracy and performance vital. Both the Fire Boltt Oracle and the Fire Boltt Dream come equipped with accelerometers and heart rate sensors for basic health tracking. However, the Dream goes a step further with added features like GPS tracking, speaker functionality, and camera shutter control, enhancing its utility and user experience.

Features and Functions

Fire Boltt Oracle vs Fire Boltt Dream: A Comprehensive Comparison


In terms of features and functions, both smartwatches offer essential capabilities such as calling, messaging, and music control. Nevertheless, the Fire Boltt Dream distinguishes itself with additional features like weather updates, camera shutter control, and wireless updates, catering to a broader range of user needs and preferences.

Price and Value

Lastly, price and value play a significant role in the decision-making process. While the Fire Boltt Oracle commands a higher price tag, the Fire Boltt Dream offers comparable features at a more affordable price point, making it a compelling choice for budget-conscious consumers seeking maximum value for their investment.


After a thorough comparison, it's evident that the Fire Boltt Dream emerges as the superior choice between the two smartwatches. With its advanced features, enhanced connectivity, and competitive pricing, the Dream offers unmatched value and versatility. Whether you prioritize fitness tracking, productivity, or entertainment, the Fire Boltt Dream delivers on all fronts, making it the ultimate companion for your daily adventures.


Ready to Experience the Dream?

Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your smartwatch experience with the Fire Boltt Dream. Click here to purchase from Flipkart and enjoy an exclusive 10% discount with coupon code DREAM10. Upgrade to the Fire Boltt Dream today and embark on a journey of seamless connectivity, unparalleled performance, and limitless possibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Fire Boltt Oracle vs Fire Boltt Dream

What are the key differences between Fire Boltt Oracle and Fire Boltt Dream smartwatches?

  • The main differences lie in their display sizes, battery capacities, connectivity options, and additional features. While the Fire Boltt Oracle boasts a larger display, the Fire Boltt Dream offers a higher pixel density with its AMOLED screen. The Dream also has a larger battery capacity and more connectivity options, including Wi-Fi and GPS, along with additional features like weather updates and camera shutter control.

Which smartwatch has better battery life, Fire Boltt Oracle or Fire Boltt Dream?

  • Both smartwatches offer impressive battery life, lasting up to 7 days on a single charge. However, the Fire Boltt Dream has a slightly larger battery capacity of 800 mAh compared to the Oracle's 700 mAh, potentially providing slightly longer usage between charges.

Can I make calls and send messages with both Fire Boltt Oracle and Fire Boltt Dream?

  • Yes, both smartwatches support calling and messaging functionalities. They can be paired with your smartphone via Bluetooth or utilize a Nano SIM card for independent calling and messaging capabilities.

Do Fire Boltt Oracle and Fire Boltt Dream have GPS tracking?

  • While both smartwatches come equipped with accelerometers and heart rate sensors for basic activity tracking, only the Fire Boltt Dream features built-in GPS tracking, allowing users to accurately monitor their location, speed, and distance during activities.

What additional features does Fire Boltt Dream offer compared to Fire Boltt Oracle?

  • The Fire Boltt Dream offers several additional features not found in the Fire Boltt Oracle, including weather updates, camera shutter control, wireless updates, and IP67 certified water resistance. These features enhance its functionality and user experience.

Which smartwatch provides better value for money, Fire Boltt Oracle or Fire Boltt Dream?

  • In terms of value for money, the Fire Boltt Dream offers a compelling proposition with its advanced features, enhanced connectivity, and more affordable price point compared to the Fire Boltt Oracle. Users looking for a budget-friendly yet feature-rich smartwatch may find the Fire Boltt Dream to be the better option.

Where can I purchase Fire Boltt Oracle and Fire Boltt Dream smartwatches?

  • Both smartwatches are available for purchase online through various e-commerce platforms. You can find them on popular websites like Flipkart, Amazon, and the official Fire-Boltt website. Be sure to check for any ongoing promotions or discounts to get the best deal on your purchase.

Are there any color and strap options available for Fire Boltt Oracle and Fire Boltt Dream?

  • Yes, both smartwatches offer multiple color options for customization. The Fire Boltt Oracle comes in eight color variants with various strap materials, while the Fire Boltt Dream offers ten color options with silicon straps.

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